
Time Piece

Dis­lo­ca­tion in ti­me, ti­me sig­na­tu­res, ti­me as a phi­lo­sop­hi­cal con­cept, and sla­very to ti­me are so­me of the the­mes tou­ched upon in this ni­ne-​mi­nu­te, ex­pe­ri­men­tal film, which was writ­ten, di­rec­ted, and pro­du­ced by Jim Hen­son-​and sta­rred Jim Hen­son! Scree­ned for the first ti­me at the Mu­seum of Mo­dern Art in May of 1965, Ti­me Pie­ce en­jo­yed an eigh­teen-​month run at one Man­hat­tan mo­vie thea­ter and was no­mi­na­ted for an Aca­demy Award for outs­tan­ding short sub­ject.

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